After Juma Salah stay on
the same place in the mesjid (for men only) women can do it at home. The place
where you did your fard. Do not move from the spot. After finishing the Salah
read Surah Yasin 3 times like this
On 1st mubeen read Suah Ihklas 3 times
2nd mubeen read Surah kausar 3 times
3rd mubeen read Surah Alem Nashrah 3 times
4th mubeen read Surah fatiha 3 times
5th mubeen read Ayetal Kursi 3 times
6th mubeen read this dua 3 times
"Allaho latifun le ibadehee
yarzako mun yasha-o be ghere hisab"
7th mubeen read any Darood/Salavat 3 times
and this dua 7 times
"Allah humma vasse rizki
vus a tan la ahtajo ala ahadin min khal keka"
Please do
this only for only 3 Jumas. Insallah what your hajat is will happen within 3
could you please tell us in Arabic I can't find anywhere OR tell the ref because I want to recite exactly no mistakes Thanks